Swisslog, Italy's leading logistics automation company and the world's first AutoStore integrator, wanted to promote EvoTec's automated medication management solutions globally. Facilitating highdensity storage and distribution as well as fast sorting of products within the warehouse, EvoTec intelligent robots enable improved workflows through real-time inventory updates, along with up-todate storage and control of purchasing information and product output statistics for effective inventory management.
Conveying the complexity of systems as complex as EvoTec's meant rethinking traditional engagement and communication models. In order to reach customers worldwide and effectively convey the unique features and functionalities of the automation systems, Swisslog thought of adding a virtual dimension to the products.
What tool could we deliver to Swisslog's staff to help them achieve better sales results in less time and with less effort?
The possibility to observe with your own eyes the functioning of an extremely elaborate automated management system such as EvoTec would have allowed potential pharmacies interested in purchasing it to quickly understand the benefits and advantages of the solution.
Realmore has realized the three-dimensional model in scale 1:1 of the EvoTec systems to allow the sales force to show, everywhere and anytime, the main movements and functionalities. Each product included in the catalogue has its own dedicated section with technical data sheet, description, video presentation and photo gallery. For each of them it is possible to explore the interactive 3D model, to access all the specifications and features and to activate the Augmented Reality display to see it in action inside the pharmacy in the exact point where it is going to be placed and used.
Thanks to the implemented Augmented Reality technology solution Swisslog is now able to:
- Offer customers a "live" product configuration/interaction with its specifications (active vs. passive);
- Show the main movements of automation systems and simulate their use in the environments where they will be installed;
- Support dealers worldwide with a constantly updated sales platform;
- Train technicians and salespeople globally, even remotely.