The ultimate Augmented Reality software in Industry 4.0 that reduces errors and cuts production time by 25%.

Augmented Reality platform designed to optimise service, production and maintenance processes: it provides direct support to operators when operating industrial machinery, detects process or malfunction errors in real time and increases accuracy in completing the task or repair.

Thanks to check to do lists and augmented indications transmitted in the field of view by a dedicated hardware device, the operator is visually assisted in the correct execution of complex tasks and procedures.

AR Process Visualization, as an always-on digital tool, helps the workforce to be more efficient and reduce the distance to the information they need to make better decisions in real time.

Increases efficiency and improves performance

AR Smart Assistance improves efficiency by collecting data, which is carried by a server or plant and transmitted directly into the operator's field of view during production or maintenance activities.

Optimises costs and reduces potential errors 

AR Process Visualization provides direct support to operators by detecting process or malfunctioning errors at an early stage and planning interventions with great ease and precision.

Supports digital transformation

AR Process Visualization easily integrates with existing cloud infrastructures and generates reporting repositories with analytics data and shared or exclusive access areas to streamline workflows and automate processes.

What is AR Process Visualization

Adaptable to mobile devices and smart glasses, AR Process Visualization fosters the sharing and transmission of real-time informations in the field of view (Remote Expert) and the centralization of data to simplify operational complexity and make workflows faster and more streamlined.

It facilitates the identification of malfunctions, anomalies and failures allowing the technician in the field to overcome the limitations of paper manuals and static videos that slow down the operation and understanding of complex procedures.

AR Process Visualization allows the integration of Augmented Reality technology with other enabling technologies falling under Industry 4.0 such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning.

Key features 

  • Provides guided instructions and workflows
  • Assigns tasks in real time
  • Checklists and To do lists of assigned tasks
  • Generates digital reports of tasks
  • Automatically recognises objects
  • Displays virtual 3D models
  • Enables "You see what I see" video calls
  • Extracts and displays live data from machines
  • Available on Cloud and On Premise
  • Works on Smartphone, Tablet or Wearable device
  • Integrates with existing business systems
  • Integrates with IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning



The ultimate solution for remote assistance.

SMART ASSISTANCE supports technicians at the workstation in any task or machine intervention. It is no longer necessary to travel remotely to deliver customer service or to support a less experienced colleague in place. With Augmented Reality it is possible to share remotely real time information about state of the machinery in order to promptly manage ordinary and extraordinary maintenance or sudden breakdowns.

In maintenance operations, the platform is used to diagnose in time anomalies or critical situations, reduce downtimes, speed up repairs and avoid expensive travel expenses.



People increase their performance by practising virtually.

With the new Virtual Reality training tools, less skilled workers reduce their training time by learning the trade faster while experienced technicians improve the skills they have already acquired. Training is no longer a matter of "reading paper documents" or watching static videos, it is a virtual practice on demand.

Involving and engaging staff within your company is a decisive aspect. Engaging people means making them feel an integral part of the company, transmitting its values and mission with actions aimed at improving their skills and developing their performance is one of the keys to generating positive attitudes capable of driving the company towards extraordinary results.

Experiencing real work situations first-hand, but simulated virtually, allows you to deal, in a safe and controlled environment, with complex procedures that require high levels of specialisation. This is why we design immersive and experiential training environments to increase the involvement of the workforce and translate their virtual practice into real performance.



Immediate instructions and findings to generate a positive ROI in logistics.

Warehouse staff often perform several tasks simultaneously when handling an order; in addition to identifying the correct product, they must also scan it and deliver it quickly to the loading dock.

With new computer vision and machine learning solutions it is possible to identify the correct position of the product as well as to check whether it actually corresponds to the order transmitted.

With Augmented Reality displays, it is possible to recognise objects in real time and read barcodes: by wearing the devices, warehouse workers can observe the digitised picking lists in their field of vision and determine the best route to optimise performance and carry out assigned tasks in less time.



The ideal solution for saving time, materials, transport and packaging costs when producing prototypes.

Thanks to the development of immersive technologies, virtualisation is now able to guarantee direct and tangible support even in the industrial field.

The use of real-time 3D graphics, human-machine interaction and system behaviour modelling technologies is focused on the development of applications for virtual prototyping and functional verification of machines/products. If these activities are carried out in virtual environments, there is a huge saving in time and cost compared to traditional physical tests that require the use of highly sophisticated materials and instrumentation.

The possibility of observing the product in 3D, modelling it and interacting with it in real time, customising its components and its appearance, is a significant contribution that Virtual Reality technology can make.



360° experiential simulator in Virtual Reality.

Hyper-realistic and interactive 3D industrial scenarios, where all elements in the scene react to user interactions in real time and in a 360° immersive environment. Simulation of industrial environments such as construction sites, manufacturing plants, refineries, petrochemical installations, power plants and hazardous or risky sites.

These virtual experiences are aimed at manufacturers of machinery and installations, as well as engineering, service or consultancy companies, training and further education. Experiencing real but virtually simulated working environments allows you to assess the operation of installations and machinery remotely and learn about workflows in a true-to-life and highly experiential way.

With VR Simulation, staff and customers learn complex processes and procedures virtually, and prepare to tackle the job from anywhere in the world.



Lo Spatial Computing, o computer nello spazio, è una intelligenza di prossimità che consente alle macchine di riconoscere la propria posizione e di prendere decisioni tenendo in considerazione le azioni degli asset industriali presenti nel contesto più prossimo, generando una comprensione più profonda dei luoghi in cui sono collocate. 

Lo Spatial Computing è l’anello di congiunzione tra IoT e mondo reale, favorisce la gestione coordinata di essere umano, macchine e spazio e abilita la visualizzazione 3D dinamica e contestuale di oggetti, ambienti e lavoratori e di tutte le loro interazioni digitalizzando le relazioni tra esse nello spazio.

Se fino ieri le macchine scambiavano dati ed informazioni in tempo reale attraverso i sistemi IoT, oggi risultano sensibili all’ambiente che le circonda e dialogano non solo tra loro ma anche con gli asset fisici e digitali e con le persone presenti nello spazio. Tutto questo è possibile grazie alla combinazione di tecnologia Edge Computing, sistemi di visione artificiale e dispositivi indossabili AR di ultima generazione.


Da sempre affianchiamo le Industry nella esplorazione e nella comprensione di un mondo, quello delle tecnologie immersive, così vasto e complesso. 

La nostra competenza spazia dalla progettazione di software e soluzioni per l’assistenza agli operatori sul campo e da remoto, creazione di modelli 3D e virtual showroom di macchinari visualizzabili in modalità AR e VR, alle esperienze di training immersive in Realtà Virtuale.

L’Industry Suite Realmore comprende quattro soluzioni in grado di soddisfare i bisogni delle aziende di efficientare la produzione, massimizzare le performance del personale e coinvolgere i clienti.



Con la tecnologia Blockchain è possibile certificare in modo immutabile la provenienza del prodotto riducendo le barriere informative che ostacolano l’acquisto consapevole da parte del consumatore.

Il sistema di Realtà Aumentata applicato al Packaging aiuta il consumatore a visualizzare, in sovrapposizione e in real-time, elementi reali e digitali quali video, animazioni 3D, immagini, elementi audio e multimediali.

Con AR Packaging è possibile aggiungere informazioni a quelle già presenti sull’etichetta, dando vita a campagne di comunicazione non convenzionali, interattive e coinvolgenti.

Realmore Srl

Augmented & Virtual Reality

Realmore Milano

Corso Sempione 30

20154 Milano




T. +39 02 36589575

Realmore Barcellona

Pere IV 51 

08018 Barcelona




T. +34 932 508 082

Realmore Hong Kong

Suites 801 & 806, Singga

Commercial Centre 144 - 151

Connaught Road West

Sai Wan, Hong Kong






VR headset & glasses
